{5th Dec 2013}
As it states on their website, TED “is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out in 1984 as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design.” Since 1984, its scope expanded to include world-renowned Speakers who are living according to their words. These Speakers are challenged to keep their talks to 18 minutes or less!
Personally, we love the fact that the majority of TEDTalks are photographed and recorded on video for posterity and readily available on their website for anyone around the world seeking inspiration, clever ideas and hilarity. In fact, it is because of said videos that we first became aware of TED.
So imagine our happiness when I, Funmi, was asked to cover TEDxGarneauWomen at Garneau Theatre last week! The topic of the event was “Landscape-Changing Women” & featured 3 Speakers & a Dance Artist. As TEDxGarneauWomen was one of 58 TEDxWomen events happening worldwide on that day, 2 other Speakers who had done their talks earlier in the day in different parts of world also had their talks played back to the TEDxGarneauWomen audience.
Nicola Doherty & Lori-Ann Claerhout did a fantastic job of securing several Sponsors (including us) & ensuring all members of the audience enjoyed the event. The event was recorded by Videographer Dana Weatherhead of Reel Moments & her Assistant, David. We’ll update this post with a link to the video(s) when they are ready.
Organizer Lori-Ann Claerhout & Volunteer Jocelyn in discussion prior to start of the event.Speakers Dr. Julie Rak & Ruth Kelly.
Speaker Dr. Joanne Minaker prior to her talk.
From Left, Dr. Julie Rak, Ruth Kelly, Lori-Ann Claerhout, Dr. Joanne Minaker, Jodie Vandekerkhove & Jocelyn.
Welcome speech from Organizer Lori-Ann Claerhout.
Dr. Joanne Minaker‘s heartfelt talk named “Just Care” focused on the premise that caring should be seen as a human practice and not only associated with the female gender. She also discussed her research into your Edmonton Mothers who have to neglect their own needs in other to care for their kids and the negative light that is cat upon them. She announced the launch of her organization, “Cared Humanity”.
Speaker Jane Chen discussed Embrace, a social enterprise designing and deploying a low-cost infant warmer in developing countries & its success.
Dr. Julie Rak‘s enlightning & funny talk, “Rope and T-Shirts” focused on the history of women in Mountaineering and the equipment used.
During the interlude, we met some audience members; Bree Emmerson & her friend, Amy.
Some of the delicious refreshments provided by Remedy.
Andrea & Lisa from Sendioso.
Remedy staff member.
Jodie Vandekerkhove performed a dance whilst Izumi Kuribayashi accompanied her on violin.
Organizer Nicola Doherty compered the second half of the event.
13-year old Animator, fashion designer and businesswoman Maya Penn, told us about how she started a business making eco-friendly accessories when she was 8 years old before she became a successful animator, then a philanthropist with Maya’s Ideas 4 The Planet.
President & CEO of Venture Publishing Ruth Kelly’s talk focused on the hard work and risk-taking required to become successful in life and business. One of the many inspiring she said: “There is an irrational optimism of entrepreneurship; to pursue new challenges, bring hope & inspire others.”
From Left: Ruth Kelly, Dr. Joanne Minaker, Jodie Vandekerkhove, Nicola Doherty, Dr. Julie Rak & Lori-Ann Claerhout.
How cool are Ruth Kelly’s boots!?
Organizers Lori-Ann Claerhout & Nicola Doherty.
Videographer Dana of Reel Moments and her Assistant, David.
Nicola & her Mum, Noreen.
I had a great evening of inspiration & laughter. Thanks to all involved. You can see many more images here! Please feel free to contact us if your images were included and you’d like to purchase prints or canvases.