{7th Dec 2013}
Last Saturday, Funmi had the pleasure of covering Tyler Neilsen‘s “Stop talking… Get it done!” book launch & fundraising brunch in support of orphans and vulnerable children in Zambia and the homeless in Edmonton. The event was hosted by International Needs Canada, Jasper Place Health and Wellness and PF Publishing at Delta Edmonton South.
Two other special guest Authors also attended & spoke to all the guests; Colleen Cole, Author of “Guilt The secret war of successful women” & David S. Marshall, Author of “Beyond Charity How to increase profit through innovative strategic partnership”.
As well as the delicious brunch served by Delta Edmonton South, guests were enterrtained by great local band, Stillmore.
Social Media Entrepreneur, Ingrid Schifer de Dennis of Schif And The City published a more detailed blog post about the event so please check it out too.
Ingrid Figueroa of PF Publishing.
Author Colleen Cole.
Chelsea Threlkeld of Schif And The City.Ingrid Schifer de Dennis of Schif And The City and Carlin Dennis of Cafvino.
Author Tyler Neilsen.
Floral arrangements from Best Buds Flower Company.
Tyler’s wife, Julie, shares a joke with Tyler.
Artwork by Julie & Tyler’s 7-year old Daughter.
Author David S. Marshall on right.
Jordan Botha of Schif And The City.
Ingrid Schifer de Dennis & Earl Shindruk.
Congratulations Tyler on the launch of your book!