
Edmonton Portrait Photographers | Becky

{23rd August 2014}

When I, Funmi first met Becky back in June 2013 at an exhibition, where we were both representing different companies, little did I know that she would become a beacon of friendship, joy & encouragement in both mine & Adrian’s new life in Edmonton. We have known Becky for 15 months but truly feels like we have known her for a lifetime. We got to meet her lovely family and her Mum, Gisele, even sewed the beautiful baby blanket that we sent to Funmi’s niece in UK.

In the time that we have known Becky, we have been impressed by the wonderful progress that she made with her fitness goals, with support from her family, church family and room mate. We are so happy for her, especially because she ran two 5 km races, a 10 km race & a half marathon (has she not heard of transit or taxis?! Kidding.)!

Becky commissioned us to take her Edmonton portraits after Meghan of MakeupandMeg did Becky’s fantastic makeup to document this amazing time in her life and specifically requested a photograph of her wearing her old jeans.

Special thanks to The Paint Spot for their help on one of the locations.

Congratulations Becky, onwards & upwards. Adrian & I are truly blessed to call you our friend.

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We are Funmi and Adrian, Edmonton engagement and wedding photographers. Did you know? We’ll take photographs of you even if you aren’t getting married! We bring our style of not-too-posed photographing to your individual or family portrait. And we love events! We glide in to photograph the event set-up and design, or stick around to chronicle the action itself.

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